Learn How To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Start eating, feeling, and living better today

Welcome, Friends!

So excited to share my journey with you!
Following my passion for healthy food, fitness, and a balanced lifestyle in 2016 I enrolled in college with a major in food safety and food quality. After four years I graduated, yay & became a food engineer! The connection between nature, self-care, the body, and the soul has always been my number one priority. That’s how I discovered the secrets to healing hormones naturally and safely. When I was thinking about the best way to connect with other people and help them heal their hormones & find a balance and harmony in the everyday life to fully enjoy it, I created FELIXVIT.

Please follow my journey since I am more than excited to share tons of useful, life-changing healthy habits & food for all of you – now you can take control of your hormonal health without any side effects.

best tips for a healthy lifestyle

Feel good in your body, hydrate, smile, replace the bad habit with a healthier one, create yourself, don't give up!

fitness nutrition
  • Diet and nutrition for fitness training
  • Best foods for weight lifting, strength training and recovery
  • Health and wellness tips and activities
  • Helping you reach the 7 dimensions of wellness – physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, environmental and financial
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free nutrition advice
  • Free nutrition advice, eat well and stay healthy
  • Natural beauty trends to bloom in your own way
  • Paraben-free beauty products and daily beauty routines 
natural beauty trends

The Importance Of Hormonal Balance

Diseases Prevention

Improved Metabolism

Easy Weight Loss

Keeping a Positive Mindset

Healthy Skin And Shiny Hair

Natural Energy Boost


Most frequent questions and answers

Always be aware of what you eat, have a habit to read the labels of the food packages, then inform yourself about the nutrients and how they can affect your body, and start counting calories. Whenever you are craving some junk food or unhealthy snack, I recommend eating a full plate of fruits and veggies. This food will make you feel full and your desire for unhealthy food should decrease. By the time this will become your habit, you will start feeling the benefits from eating clean and be even more aware of what you eat. Anyway, try to practice this step by step, don’t make extreme changes to your diet, and find a healthy version of your favorite food to treat yourself! 🙂

Healing is a process. It takes time, energy, and focus. When trying to heal yourself, in whatever way that may be, I recommend patience and consistency. Everyone heals at their own pace, some people need longer than others. It depends on how deep into imbalance one is. In general everyone can heal their hormones naturally within 3 months. The key is to not get discouraged and give up if you don’t see immediate results.

These chemicals – which can be found in food containers, non-stick cookware, carpeting and upholstery, toys, cosmetics, and many other places — interfere with hormone activity. The two most common types of endocrine disruptors are phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA). Here are five tips for reducing your exposure to endocrine disruptors. 1. Eat organic as much as possible. Non-organic fruits and vegetables often contain higher levels of pesticides than their organic counterparts, making them an especially good choice if you’re trying to avoid endocrine disruptors. Organic meat is also a good idea because conventionally raised animals are given hormones to increase their growth rate, while organic animals aren’t given any growth hormones at all. 2. Buy glass instead of plastic whenever possible. Many plastic products are made from phthalates, so they may leach into your food or drink when they come into contact with heat or cold. Glass is a better option because it doesn’t leach anything into what you put inside it. 3. Use natural cleaning products around your home and office. Many cleaning products contain chemicals that can mimic estrogen in your body and throw off your hormonal balance, so using natural cleaners will help keep them out of your body. 4. Don’t use plastic wrap on your food. The plastic wrap contains phthalates, which can leak into your food when you use it to cover leftovers. 5. Wear natural fabrics next to your skin. Cotton, wool, and silk are all great options for clothing because they don’t contain synthetic fibers like polyester or nylon.

In general, working out 3-4 times a week is a good start for beginners. Otherwise, I recommend working out 5-6 times a week for at least 30 min. However, your workout plan should depend on what you want to achieve and your general health.

It is possible to lose some pounds by cutting carbs, fats, and food packed with artificial colors and flavors out of your diet. However, you will get the best results only if you combine your healthy diet with regular physical activity. Exercising stimulates your metabolism and helps you burn calories faster. Researches have shown that exercising can also decrease your appetite after a workout.

Physical activities not only affect your physical health, but they also have an important impact on your wellbeing. One of the best habits you should have to maintain your wellbeing is to exercise regularly. Here’s what else you can do: stay in nature as much as possible, relax your mind before you go to bed, wake up early, and take your time in the morning. Learn how to enjoy the simple things in life. All of these things positively affect your body and soul.