How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays
If you’re like most people, the holidays are one of your favorite times of the year. You enjoy seeing friends and family, eating delicious food, and getting presents—all good things! The only drawback is that the holidays can cause some unhealthy habits to creep into your life, either through too much junk food or simply not knowing how to eat healthily (and affordably) at restaurants or during parties. With these tips on how to stay healthy during the holidays, you’ll be able to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty or putting your health at risk.
1. Make healthy food choices whenever possible
Holidays are always a little more indulgent, so take steps before you start celebrating. Make healthy food choices whenever possible, and be sure to include fruits and vegetables with each meal. The fiber found in these foods will keep you feeling full for longer. And limit your intake of alcohol, which is high in calories and often reduces inhibitions about making poor food choices. Try eating slower so you savor each bite, which could help prevent overeating because studies show we eat more when we eat fast.
2. Hydrate yourself properly
Water is essential for good health, but it’s easy to forget about drinking enough of it when you’re away from home. Bring your own reusable water bottle with you and remember to refill it frequently. Staying hydrated will keep you fit and healthy even as you enjoy some holiday treats.
While there are many beverages out there that claim to be healthy, too much sugar or artificial ingredients could have negative impacts on your digestion or overall wellness. Look for unsweetened drinks made with real fruit juice rather than artificial flavorings. Stay away from soda altogether—too much sugar can lead to extra pounds around your waistline! An occasional glass of wine in moderation may seem like a nice treat at holiday parties, but make sure you leave ample time between alcoholic drinks so that your body has time to process its effects.

3. Get enough sleep
A recent study published in Appetite discovered that people who didn’t get enough sleep were more likely to eat junk food than those who slept more. Make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night (or do some yoga, meditation, or other relaxing activities). It will make you feel better and help keep your cravings in check.
4. Stay active
Stay active by following your usual exercise routine—or ramp it up a notch. Exercise releases endorphins, our body’s natural mood elevators, so you’ll feel happier even if you don’t think you have time for a full workout. You can even sneak in some extra movement during those holiday gatherings with friends and family: Take an after-dinner walk around the block or play darts at your local bar instead of sitting around watching TV. The more you move, whether physically or mentally, the better off you’ll be when high-calorie treats are everywhere.
5. Self-care is important!
Self-care can look like whatever you want it to look like, whether that’s dancing around your apartment or taking a few moments at lunchtime for mindfulness. One of my favorite tips for staying healthy—and sane—during busy periods is simply to remind myself of what I need from my own self-care routine. Think about what’s most important to you as part of your self-care plan and write those things down on Post-its, so they pop up when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Is reading something that helps clear your head? Is getting outside important to you? You don’t have to do all these things every day (or every week)—just identify one thing that will help ground you during busy times. Then give yourself permission to do it!
6. Make a plan
When you’re around family and friends, it can be hard to stick with your healthy habits—it is easy to become distracted by late-night dinners and special-occasion drinks. The key is preparation; if you know what you’re in for (and how you can prepare), it will be easier for you to stick with your healthy habits during the holiday season. Prepare a meal plan ahead of time so that you have healthy options while attending parties or other events that feature a lot of unhealthy options.

7. Limit your dessert
Holiday meals are usually loaded with sugar and unhealthy fats, which can make it difficult to stick to your usual eating habits. Try limiting yourself to one piece of dessert per meal instead of eating several servings each time you sit down for a meal. Make healthier versions of traditional favorites by using less sugar or fat than is typically called for in recipes.
This one might be the best tip on how to stay healthy during the holidays! If you’re hosting guests, prepare healthy snacks that include fiber and protein along with lots of water so everyone can enjoy their favorite holiday treats without overindulging.
8. Skip the liquid calories
In addition to overeating, holiday-related lifestyle habits can have a big impact on our health. It’s important that we don’t reach for liquid calories—those cocktails and eggnogs—but instead choose healthy beverages like water, decaf coffee, and freshly made juices. In addition, try staying away from alcohol as much as possible during these times.

To recap, a few healthy habits include sticking with whole foods, avoiding too much sugar and alcohol, staying hydrated by drinking water throughout your day, keeping active by going for a daily walk, getting good sleep at night, and surrounding yourself with people you love. These habits will help keep you as healthy as possible as you move through your holiday season. It’s time to celebrate, now you know how to stay healthy during the holidays!