Simple Tips to Start Eating Healthy

simple tips to start eating healthy

What’s the secret to eating healthy? Just start doing it! While most people know that eating more fruits and vegetables can be beneficial, getting started can be difficult. But once you do, you’ll be glad you did. Here are some simple tips to help you start eating healthy today.

1. Change your mindset

Your food is fuel and your body is a machine. The first step in changing your mindset is deciding that healthy equals delicious—and then learning how to make that happen. Learn which healthy foods you should always have on hand, grab some healthy snacks for when you get hungry, eat smaller portions at meals, try new recipes with tons of flavor without tons of fat. And always remember: You are what you eat!
An easy way to get started is by making a list of five new things you’re going to try every week. Don’t force yourself—just be open-minded and see what happens.

2. Pick small wins

The easiest way to start eating healthy is simply by picking a few simple wins. The idea behind picking small wins is that, instead of going from a strict diet where everything is black and white, you make a few little changes here and there. For example, instead of cutting out all sugar from your diet at once, try just removing soft drinks or fruit juices from your routine. These little wins will feel good and give you momentum as you work toward bigger changes down the road.

table with healthy foods, fruits and veggies -healthy eating tips
fruit bowl with yogurt, blueberries, kiwi, almonds and a wooden spoon- simple tips to start eating healthy

3. Prepare your kitchen

To properly prepare your kitchen for healthier eating, you should start by removing any unhealthy items. Don’t stock your pantry with cookies and candy; fill it with fresh fruit and veggies instead. This way, when a craving strikes, you won’t be tempted to reach for a package of Chips Ahoy! Instead, you can reach for an apple or some carrots. You should also set up a designated grab-and-go drawer near your fridge. Try including nuts and unsalted pretzels in your drawer so that you always have something healthy on hand whenever hunger pangs strike.

4. Learn from others

If you don’t know how to start eating healthy, look at other people who have succeeded. There are plenty of real-life examples online, whether it’s social media, blogs, or mainstream media. Use your favorite search engine and type in what you want. Look at how other people eat healthily—it will give you some ideas on what to do. Remember that not everyone’s lifestyle is for you, so pick and choose until it makes sense for your life.

5. Read labels

Reading food labels is a great way to start eating healthy. Just because a food item claims it’s low-fat or has no trans fats, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for you. Check ingredients on anything with unfamiliar names and make sure there are no artificial sweeteners in foods—these can be bad for your weight and overall health.

organized pantry
read labels

6. Health benefits

Be aware of how your body feels when you eat healthier. You’ll start feeling more energetic and lighter; however, if you’re used to eating a lot of fast food or junk food, it can take a while for your taste buds to adjust. That said, once you get used to it and begin living a healthier lifestyle, you’ll never want to go back. Eating healthy will also help you to boost your immune system naturally and improve your metabolism, keeping your hormones in balance.


It’s never too late to start living healthier. Eating healthy should be simple so, follow these simple tips to start eating healthy today and become the best version of yourself!