How to Improve Wellbeing at Work

The amount of time people spend at work has dramatically increased over the last hundred years. Now it is expected that adults will work more than 40 hours per week until they retire, an unfortunate trend as the evidence shows that working too much can hurt your health and ruin your personal relationships. That is why it is more important than ever to figure out how to improve wellbeing at work and build a better life and work-life balance on the other side of the office door. Here are seven strategies you can use to begin building your own holistic, long-term wellbeing strategy at work today.
1. Take Breaks
Breaks are important for our mental well-being. They allow us to step away from work, whether it’s for a few minutes or a few hours, and refresh our minds so we come back recharged and ready to tackle more tasks. However, in our fast-paced world where working long hours is encouraged, taking breaks can be difficult. To combat that problem, try creating an office culture where employees are taking breaks throughout their day—this will encourage others in your company to follow suit.
The bottom line: Don’t wait until you feel tired or drained before you take a break—give yourself permission to get up and walk around during normal business hours.
2. Eat Healthily
Your well-being is closely tied with your diet. Eat a well-balanced diet, comprised of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. To increase your productivity throughout the day, you must have sufficient energy levels – by eating healthy foods you can avoid fatigue later in the day.

3. Use Wellness Tools to Improve your wellbeing at work
There are plenty of wellness tools you can use at work, including group exercise sessions, massage chairs, and devices that monitor your stress levels. If none of these options are available in your office, bring some into your workspace. Either way, taking time out of each day to focus on yourself will not only improve your wellbeing but will also make you more productive throughout each day. It’s a win-win!
4. Create a Friendly Work Atmosphere
As much as your physical health is important, it’s not everything when it comes to your wellbeing. Creating a friendly work atmosphere will keep you focused and engaged with your coworkers, ensuring that you enjoy spending time at work (and take pride in your job). The happier you are with your workplace, the more likely you are to perform well. This leads directly to financial success in terms of career growth and pays raises or promotions—so make it a priority to ensure people like working with you. This one might be the best tip on how to improve wellbeing at work.
5. Mindfulness
The most important thing you can do for your overall well-being is start being mindful. Mindfulness is a process of living in a way that brings awareness and intention to everything you do, say, and think. In other words, mindfulness helps you become more conscious of how you’re feeling and why. When you’re mindful, your thoughts are present rather than being stuck in the past or worrying about what might happen in the future. You have space to respond rather than just react.
6. Stress Awareness
It’s estimated that half of the employee’s time off is due to stress and mental health issues, so it’s important for employers and employees alike to take steps towards improving wellbeing. The first step in reducing stress should be awareness: managers and co-workers should be aware of all sources of pressure and anxiety so they can identify potential problems earlier. Implementing policies such as time away from email and managing team conflicts effectively are simple ways to help reduce unnecessary stress.

7. Improve your Wellbeing by Learning New Skills
You can improve your well-being by learning new skills that will keep you engaged, challenged, and content. Learning something new creates a sense of accomplishment, makes you more marketable, and helps you relate to coworkers better. It also keeps boredom at bay by preventing work from feeling like a dreaded obligation rather than an opportunity for growth. To reap these benefits without stress or burnout, learn something each day that is directly related to your job or industry or has professional applications so it’s memorable.
So, how does an employee improve their wellbeing? It’s not as hard as you might think. Take a few moments each day—whether they are during your lunch break or before you head home—to relax and refocus. Give yourself permission to do what makes you happy, whether that’s meditating or taking a walk. And don’t forget: Stress relief doesn’t have to cost money; there are plenty of ways to unwind without spending a cent. With these tips, your mind will be clearer, your body will feel better, and you’ll be able to focus on work with renewed energy. You’re worth it!