How to Stay Motivated to Workout

How do you stay motivated to workout? You want to get in shape, but it’s hard to commit to going to the gym every day, week after week. It’s not enough to just feel motivated—you have to turn that motivation into action and actually go out and do it! Here are some tips on how to stay motivated to workout so you can stick with your goals and get fit over time.
7 Easy Tips To Follow
When you’re feeling unmotivated, it can be hard to do anything. If you’re trying to lose weight or get in shape, then exercising may seem especially difficult. Here are 7 ways to stay motivated when you don’t feel like exercising.
1. Create a Routine
If you’re new to exercise, starting with a routine will help get you motivated. Think of your goals (weight loss? toning? overall health?) and create a plan based on how many days a week you want to work out and what time(s) each day. Put it in writing—you’ll feel more responsible and accountable. Some people find success when they have a workout buddy or attend an exercise class. And remember to give your body all of the essential nutrients before a workout.
2. Set Small Goals
It’s easier to achieve your goals when you break them into smaller, more manageable pieces. If you’re trying to fit in more exercise, start with small goals—maybe 10 minutes a day or three days a week—and build up from there. When you take small steps towards your goal, you stay motivated and inspired by what you’ve already accomplished. Set small goals and make incremental progress each day until you reach your ultimate goal. (By doing so, you can also track your workout habits as part of our daily check-in habit.)

3. Exercise at Home
If you can’t make it to a gym, work out at home. Even if you only have time for 10 minutes of workout a day, it’s better than nothing. You can burn 100 calories by jumping rope or running in place for just 10 minutes. There are also lots of great exercise videos available online that are fun and don’t require much space. Many of them are made with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which is more effective for burning fat and staying lean than steady-state workouts like jogging on a treadmill.
4. No Excuses Allowed
One of the most common reasons people give for not working out is a lack of time. While it’s true that exercise does take time, there are ways around that excuse. For instance, don’t make excuses on your commute home from work or school—try jogging or cycling instead of driving.
5. Remember Why You Started
If you’re struggling with motivation when it comes to working out, remember why you started in the first place. Whether your goal is weight loss or strength training, remind yourself of your original motivation. For example, maybe it was simple: You wanted more energy so you could get through your day without falling asleep at work. Whatever it is, remind yourself of why you started! It may be difficult in times of frustration or exhaustion—which is exactly when we tend to lose sight of our goals.

6. Reward Yourself
Treat yourself with a new outfit, accessories, or shoes when you reach your goals. By giving yourself something to look forward to after reaching a milestone, you’ll be more motivated than ever to stick with your workout routine and eat healthily. If it works for gym-goers, it’ll work for you!
7. Try new things
If you find yourself unmotivated or uninterested in working out, there are lots of ways to get fit for free. Take your pick from these great alternatives: walking, jogging, rock climbing, skateboarding, hitting a punching bag—they’re all good exercises that will burn calories and help you stay fit. You don’t need fancy equipment or an expensive gym membership; just take advantage of what’s around you!
Always ask yourself, Why am I doing this? You might think it’s obvious why you go running every morning, but knowing your reasons can help you stay motivated. Asking yourself what makes exercise important to you can also help when an injury or other setback keeps you from working out.